Concept Map | Ontology File | Ontologies Reused | Ontology Prefixes |
Current Version:
Figure 1 in the model above serves as the overview diagram, showcasing the top level concepts represented by the ontology. The central concepts are Patients, the Symptoms they suffer from, the Conditions they are diagnosed with, and the Treatments that address those conditions. Also included in the overview are the patient’s Genome, and the Genes that are associated with conditions.
Figure 2 goes into further detail about patients and conditions, showcasing subclasses of Condition and Symptom, and data properties of the classes which appeared in Figure 1.
Figures 3a and 3b go into further detail with Treatments, with Figure 3a showcasing the subclasses of Treatment, and 3b focusing on other classes that connect to Treatment, such as Medicinal Product and other terms from the IDMP.
Figure 4 centers on the terms used to capture genetic information, namely Genome, Gene, and Disease-Associated Gene.
Week 12 Version: Week 12 Concept Model
Week 11 Version: Week 11 Concept Model
Week 10 Version: Week 10 Concept Model
Week 8 Version: Week 8 Concept Model
Week 6 Versions: Patient / Illness Model Treatment Model Genetics Model
Week 12 Ontology: Link
Week 12, with Individuals: Link
Week 11 Ontology: Link
Week 11, with Individuals: Link
Week 10 Ontology: Link
Week 10, with Individuals: Link
Week 9 Ontology: Link
Week 8 Ontology: Link
Week 8, with Individuals: Link
Week 7 Ontology: Link
Week 6 Ontology: Link
IDMP - Identification of Medicinal Products Ontology Link
QV - Commons “Quantity and Units” Link
Prefix | Links |
rdf | Resource Description Framework |
rdfs | RDF Schema |
owl | Web Ontology Language |
xsd | XML Schema Definition |
dct | Dublin Core Term |
skos | Simple Knowledge Organization System |
idmp | Identification of Medicinal Products |
qv | Commons Quantities and Units |