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Personalized Depression Treatment

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Personalized Depression Treatment






Query 1: SPARQL Query to fetch treatments with high effectiveness in patients with the SLC64A-L allele

This query gets all polymorphisms of each gene, then finds the one requested in our competency question, the SLC6A4 long allele (allele name: 5-HTTLPR_L). It then gets all treatment responses that the allele has, all the treatments and their effectivenesses and displays the group of the drugs with the highest effectiveness that exists.

PREFIX pdt: <>

SELECT ?treatment ?effectiveness
  ?gene rdf:type pdt:SLC6A4 .
  FILTER (?gene = pdt:5-HTTLPR_L)
  ?gene pdt:hasResponse ?treatmentResponse .
  ?treatmentResponse pdt:isResponseTo ?treatment .
  ?treatmentResponse pdt:hasTreatmentEffectiveness ?effectiveness .
    IF(?effectiveness = pdt:high, 1,
      IF(?effectiveness = pdt:medium, 2,
        IF(?effectiveness = pdt:low, 3, 4)
    ) AS ?priority
ORDER BY ?priority

Result 1: Effective Treatments for SLC64A-L

Treatment Effectiveness
Citalopram High
Escitalopram High
Fluoxetine High
Fluvoxamine High
Paroxetine High
Sertraline High
Vilazodone High

Query 2: What treatments are effective against depression in 35 year olds?

This query gets all age based therapeutic indications and the treatments that have the corresponding therapeutic indications. It then checks which therapeutic indications are for groups that contain the age from our competency question (35) in the age range for that group. It then outputs all treatments that match these parameters

PREFIX pdt: <>
PREFIX qv: <>

SELECT ?treatment
  ?treatment rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* pdt:MedicinalProduct .
  ?treatment pdt:hasTherapeuticIndication/pdt:hasTargetPopulation/qv:hasQuantityValueRange/qv:hasLowerBound/rdfs:label ?lowerBound .
  ?treatment pdt:hasTherapeuticIndication/pdt:hasTargetPopulation/qv:hasQuantityValueRange/qv:hasUpperBound/rdfs:label ?upperBound .
  FILTER(xsd:decimal(?upperBound) >= 35 && xsd:decimal(?lowerBound) <= 35)

Result 2: Effective treatments for 35 year olds

Treatment Name

Query 3: What treatments are effective in patients who resist SSRIs?

This query finds all example patients that have shown poor response to the group of SSRIs as the question does not specify specific medications. It then finds the treatment response of the example patient to other treatments. It then outputs the treatments with the best effectiveness and their corresponding effectiveness.

PREFIX pdt: <>

SELECT ?treatment ?effectiveness
  ?patient rdf:type pdt:Patient .
  ?patient pdt:hasResponse ?response .
  FILTER(?response = pdt:SSRI-Low)
  ?treatmentResponse rdf:type pdt:TreatmentResponse .
  ?treatmentResponse pdt:isResponseOf ?patient .
  ?treatmentResponse pdt:hasTreatmentEffectiveness ?effectiveness .
  ?treatmentResponse pdt:isResponseTo ?treatment . 
    IF(?effectiveness = pdt:high, 1,
      IF(?effectiveness = pdt:medium, 2,
        IF(?effectiveness = pdt:low, 3, 4)
    ) AS ?priority
ORDER BY ?priority

Result 3: Treatments effective on patients who resist SSRIs

Treatment Effectiveness
Bupropion High

Query 4: Which gene alleles impact the effectiveness of SSRIs and what are their impact?

This query finds all gene alleles, finds all the treatments they have responses to, finds the effectiveness of each of those treatments, and then only displays those that are specifically SSRIs

PREFIX pdt: <>

SELECT ?gene ?treatment ?effectiveness
  ?gene rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* pdt:Gene .
  ?gene pdt:hasResponse/pdt:isResponseTo ?treatment .
  ?gene pdt:hasResponse/pdt:hasTreatmentEffectiveness ?effectiveness .
  ?treatment rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* pdt:SelectiveSerotoninReuptakeInhibitor .

Result 4: Effective Treatments for SLC64A-L (Showing 21 out of 100 results)

Gene Treatment Effectiveness
SLC6A4-L Citalopram High
SLC6A4-L Escitalopram High
SLC6A4-L Fluoxetine High
SLC6A4-L Fluvoxamine High
SLC6A4-L Paroxetine High
SLC6A4-L Sertraline High
SLC6A4-L Vilazodone High
Val66Met_Met Citalopram Low
Val66Met_Met Escitalopram Low
Val66Met_Met Fluoxetine Low
Val66Met_Met Fluvoxamine Low
Val66Met_Met Paroxetine Low
Val66Met_Met Sertraline Low
Val66Met_Met Vilazodone Low
rs165599_A Citalopram Low
rs165599_A Escitalopram Low
rs165599_A Fluoxetine Low
rs165599_A Fluvoxamine Low
rs165599_A Paroxetine Low
rs165599_A Sertraline Low
rs165599_A Vilazodone Low