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Food Explanation Ontology

Ontology has been cleared for release and is made available as an open-source resource under the Apache 2.0 license

We can view classes in our system from two different lenses. First, we want to be able to model them as components of explanations, and second, as elements of the question and system. Additionally, the parameters within the users’ questions, and the characteristics associated with these parameters, can be described in the context of food (the domain of application) and user and system semantics. We accomplish these goals as in FEO, we use a system of subclasses and subproperties to classify and reason over instances.

Fig. 1: This diagram provides an insight into the subclass structure. We split characteristics into a couple sections the Parameter, System, and the User. The next level of subcharacteristics takes us to the food domain. Here we can see different subclasses of food characteristics, such as Liked Foods, Allergies, Seasonality, and Location. Restrictions in the on these classes along with reasoning allows instances to infered into these categories. Fig. 2: The property structure similarly has subproperties. We characterize properties as supporting and opposing and also as types of characteristics. We also define inverse of as a type of property, in order to save time on duplication of data. Fig. 3: This is a model of what the process to get the answer to the first competency question. Her we illustrate how these modeling choices work together to help us solve our competency questions. The image details how the ontology appears (after reasoning) with the classes necessary to answer the first competency question. The light blue boxes illustrate the relationships between instances and the dark blue boxes contain classes and their pertinent restrictions.

Ontology Metadata

Metadata that would be useful to navigate our resources, i.e., ontology, modeling snippets and SPARQL queries. The content below can also be viewed by inspecting our explanation ontology in an ontology editor, like, Protege 5.5.0.

Ontology Prefixes

Prefix Links
rdf Resource Description Framework
rdfs RDF Schema
owl Web Ontology Language
xsd XML Schema Definition
dct Dublin Core Term
skos Simple Knowledge Organization System
eo Explanation Ontology
feo Food Explanation Ontology
food What To Make Ontology
sio SemanticScience Integrated Ontology
ep Explanations Pattern Ontology
ep Provenance Ontology
obo OBO Foundry