Concept Map | Ontology File | Ontologies Reused | Ontology Prefixes |
To model the system in our usecase, we had to break the problem into a number of different domains or concepts. In the below metagraph these top level domains and the connections between them are visible. Each domain has a subgraph and explaination linked below. (Please click to enlarge)
The “Goal” Concept: The Goal concept was added because different exercises are suited to specific objectives, like strength, endurance, or flexibility. This helps us tailor recommendations to align with each user’s fitness goals, making them more relevant and effective.
The “MuscleGroup” Concept The MuscleGroup concept was added because it allowes the modeling of injuries and exercises that target specific areas, making recommendations more precise and safer for users.
The “Exercise” Concept The Exercise concept simply contains the exercises that will be recommended to each user.
The “Injury” Concept The Injury concept allows for the system to account for user injuries, ensuring that exercise recommendations are safe and avoid aggravating existing conditions.
The “Strain” Concept The Strain concept was added to model how difficult a given exercise is. Although subjective, this allows the system to differentiate between light, moderate, and strenuous exercise.
The “Planner” Concept The Planner concept allows the system to categorize different exercise cycles and output the top results.
View the reasoner axioms
Prefix | Links |
rdf | Resource Description Framework |
rdfs | RDF Schema |
owl | Web Ontology Language |
xsd | XML Schema Definition |
dct | Dublin Core Terms |
skos | Simple Knowledge Organization System |
cmns-av | Commons Annotation Vocabulary |
oe-fit | FitMe Ontology |