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Dog Breed Ontology

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Dog Breed Ontology





Maintenenance Policy

Our maintainance policy is primarily focused on ensuring that our data remains available for use as long as possible. We will never change the name of our ontology or its URL. This will ensure that references to our ontology will always be valid and that we will not break applications that may come to rely on our ontology in the future. Any future changes to the ontology will be appropriately documented both in the headers of the ontology itself and on this website. Future versions of the ontology with “breaking changes” will be hosted at new version URLs so that previous versions of the ontology continue to be available. Any classes or properties that are to be deleted will be marked as deprecated for at least 1 full version before being fully deleted.

After the Fall 2022 sememster the final ontologies and related artifacts will remain available on this website, and full development can be viewed in our GitHub repository. Future changes will be documented on this website. Anyone interested in expanding or using our work may contact the current team members using the contact information below.

Getting Involved

This project was created for our use case, but there are several places where the project could expand. Different types of expansion include tracking personal ratings from users, including information about dog competition results, and allowing users to filter by more characteristics of breeds. If you are interested in contributing to the Find a Friend project or have any other ideas or suggestions, please contact us at the emails below: