Static Demonstration
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX hasco: <>
PREFIX vstoi: <>
PREFIX poem: <>
PREFIX poem-rcads: <>
PREFIX sio: <>
PREFIX snomed: <>
Query 1: What does the RCADS-47 measure?
SELECT ?condition (STR(?lab) AS ?label) WHERE {
poem-rcads:RCADS47Questionnaire poem:hasScale ?scale .
?scale poem:isAboutCondition ?condition .
?condition rdf:type poem:Condition .
?condition rdfs:label ?label .
The RCADS-47 has 6 different scales that indicate the following conditions: anxiety disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, social phobia, and major depressive disorder.
Query 2: Who may fill out the RCADS-47?
SELECT ?respondent WHERE {
?respondent rdf:type sio:SIO_000485 .
poem-rcads:RCADS47Questionnaire poem:hasPossibleRespondent ?respondent .
The RCADS-47 can be filled out either by a youth or their caregiver.
Query 3: Does the RCADS-47 have a shorter version, to be given more frequently?
SELECT ?shorterQuestionnaire WHERE {
?shorterQuestionnaire rdf:type vstoi:Questionnaire .
?shorterQuestionnaire sio:SIO_000244 poem-rcads:RCADS47Questionnaire .
The RCADS-25 is a shorter derivative questionnaire of the RCADS-47.
Query 4: Does the RCADS-25 relate to the RCADS-47? Do they have questions in common?
SELECT ?question (STR(?lab) AS ?label) WHERE {
?question rdf:type vstoi:QuestionnaireItem .
poem-rcads:RCADS25Questionnaire vstoi:hasItem ?question .
poem-rcads:RCADS47Questionnaire vstoi:hasItem ?question .
?question rdfs:label ?label .
The RCADS-47 and RCADS-25 have 25 questions in common, meaning that the RCADS-25 contains a subset of questions from the RCADS-47.
Query 5: Do any questions in the RCADS-47 assess worry about social performance?
SELECT ?question (STR(?lab) AS ?label) WHERE {
?question rdf:type vstoi:QuestionnaireItem .
poem-rcads:RCADS47Questionnaire vstoi:hasItem ?question .
?question poem:detects snomed:247825008 .
?question rdfs:label ?label .
The RCADS-47 has seven questions that assess anxiety about behavior or performance.