Annotated Table 1 Example
An annotated example of Table 1 from a clinical trial "Telmisartan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular events" [50] cited in the Cardiovascular Complications (Chapter 9) of the ADA 2018 CPG
Table 1 KG
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Visualizing the RDF representation for an age characteristic with the descriptive statistics for the Ramipril study arm, of the "Telmisartan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular events" clinical trial
Knowledge graph of Table 1s for the various papers ->
Modeling Examples
Modeling of Collections of Study Subjects
Listing 1: Sample RDF N-Triples representation snippet of the Ramipril intervention armsco-i:RamiprilArm a owl:Class, sco:InterventionArm; rdfs:subClassOf sio:StudySubject; sio:isParticipantIn sco-i:TelmisartanRamiprilStudy; sio:hasAttribute [ a sco:PopulationSize; sio:hasValue 8576] .Listing 2: Representation of a sub-population within a study arm
sco-i:AsianSubPopulation a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf sco-i:RamiprilArm; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty sio:hasAttribute; owl:someValuesFrom chear:Asian ]; sio:hasAttribute [ a sco:PopulationSize; sio:hasValue 1182], [ a sio:Percentage; sio:hasValue 13.8 ] .
Modeling of Subject Characteristics
Listing 1: Representation of a continuous characteristic on the Ramipril Study Armsco-i:RamiprilArm a owl:Class, sio:InterventionGroup; rdfs:subClassOf sio:StudySubject; sio:isParticipantIn sco-i:TelmisartanRamiprilStudy; sio:hasAttribute [ a sco:PopulationSize; sio:hasValue 8576], [ a sio:Age; sio:hasUnit sio:Year ] .Listing 2: Representation of a categorical characteristic on the Ramipril Study Arm
sco-i:PeripheralArteryDiseaseSubPopulation a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf sco-i:RamiprilArm; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty sio:hasAttribute; owl:someValuesFrom doid:PeripheralArteryDisease]; sio:hasAttribute [ a sco:PopulationSize; sio:hasValue 1136 ], [ a sio:Percentage; sio:hasValue 13.2 ] .
Modeling of Aggregations on Subject Characteristics
Listing 1: Representation of a descriptive statistics measures of mean +/- standard deviation on Agesco-i:RamiprilArm a owl:Class, sio:InterventionGroup; rdfs:subClassOf sio:StudySubject; sio:isParticipantIn sco-i:TelmisartanRamiprilStudy; sio:hasAttribute [ a sco:PopulationSize; sio:hasValue 8576], [ a sio:Age; sio:hasUnit sio:Year; sio:hasAttribute [ a sio:Mean; sio:hasValue 66.4], [a sio:StandardDeviation; sio:hasValue 7.2 ] ] .Listing 2: Representation of a descriptive statistics measure of median +/- interquartile range
sco-i:XStudyArm a owl:Class, sio:InterventionGroup; rdfs:subClassOf sio:StudySubject; sio:hasAttribute [ a sio:Age; sio:hasUnit sio:Year; sio:hasAttribute [ a sio:Median; sio:hasValue 56 ], [ a obo:STATO_0000164; sio:hasAttribute [ a sio:MinimalValue; sio:hasValue 75], [ a sio:MaximalValue; sio:hasValue 45] ] ] .