Concept Map | Ontology File | Ontologies Reused | Ontology Prefixes |
Death Valley National Park
The conceptual model above is a visual representation of the ontology that we developed in this project. In the above we can see that there are a set of concepts such as Animal, Activity, Accommodation, Facility, Park Statistics, Terrain, and Climate. All of these concepts are attached to a central concept National Park which is the focus of our ontology. They also have sets of other concepts that are connected to them such as Accommodation which is attached to Campground, Hotel, Capacity, Availability, and Amenities.
The conceptual model also shows how we have connected the different concepts in our ontology. Using the relations we have defined we are able to query our ontology to answer specific questions. For example, to find the longest trail in California, the system would look at parks in California, check which trails they have, and find the one with the greatest length. The conceptual model helps the system understand and process these connections efficiently.
Currently we have two ontologies. Our main ontology is the when to go where ontology which contains the main classes and some individuals and we also have the the when to go where individuals ontology which contains individuals we have obtained from different data sources.