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Beer Advisor

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Beer Advisor





Static Demo

To run the demo, first download the queries below. After this, you will want to run each query individually as described in the following subsections.

Query 1

This query is supposed to provide the answer for Competency Question 2: What is a brewery in Pennsylvania that makes IPAs under 8%? In order to answer this question, the following SPARQL query is proposed:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX loc: <>
PREFIX adr: <>
PREFIX us: <>
PREFIX rel: <>
PREFIX fbo: <>
PREFIX lp: <>
PREFIX qtu: <>
PREFIX beer: <>

  ?brewery rdf:type beer:Brewery .
  ?brewery rel:hasIdentity ?id .
  ?id rdf:type lp:BusinessEntity .
  ?id fbo:hasHeadquartersAddress ?address .
  ?address rdf:type adr:PhysicalAddress .
  ?address loc:hasSubdivision us:Pennsylvania .
  ?beertypes rdfs:subClassOf beer:IndiaPaleAle .
    ?beer rdf:type ?beertypes .
    ?beer rdf:type beer:IndiaPaleAle .
  ?beer rel:isProducedBy ?brewery .
  ?beer beer:hasAlcoholByVolume ?alcohol .
  ?alcohol rdf:type beer:AlcoholContent .
  ?alcohol qtu:hasNumericValue ?abv .
  FILTER (?abv < 8)  

This query sample will provide the following answer:

Helltown Brewery

Note that the answer is Helltown, a brewery located in PA that produces Buffy Haze, an IPA with 6.7% ABV.

Query 2

This query is supposed to provide the answer for Competency Question 3: What is an IPA that is 5% ABV or below? In order to answer this question, the following SPARQL query is proposed:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX loc: <>
PREFIX adr: <>
PREFIX us: <>
PREFIX rel: <>
PREFIX fbo: <>
PREFIX lp: <>
PREFIX qtu: <>
PREFIX beer: <>


  ?beertypes rdfs:subClassOf* beer:IndiaPaleAle .
    ?beer rdf:type ?beertypes .
    ?beer rdf:type beer:IndiaPaleAle .

  ?beer beer:hasAlcoholByVolume ?alcohol .
  ?alcohol rdf:type beer:AlcoholContent .
  ?alcohol qtu:hasNumericValue ?abv .
  FILTER (?abv <= 5)

This query sample will provide the following answer:


Note that there is no beer displayed as an answer. This is actually correct because there is no IPA under 5% ABV. If this situation occurs, the ontology-enabled application can then perform another query to assist the user. This query would provide as an aswer beers that are from similar styles to the IPA and that have their ABV 5% or under. In order to do that, the following SPARQL query is proposed:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX loc: <>
PREFIX adr: <>
PREFIX us: <>
PREFIX rel: <>
PREFIX fbo: <>
PREFIX lp: <>
PREFIX qtu: <>
PREFIX beer: <>

SELECT ?beertypes ?beer

  beer:IndiaPaleAle beer:similarTo ?beertypes .
  ?beer rdf:type ?beertypes .
  ?beer beer:hasAlcoholByVolume ?alcohol .
  ?alcohol rdf:type beer:AlcoholContent .
  ?alcohol qtu:hasNumericValue ?abv .
  FILTER (?abv <= 5)

This query sample will provide the following answer:

beerstyles beer
session india pale ale Voodoo Ranger American Haze

Note that the query provided a style that is linked to the IPA via a similarity property and that the query displays an example of beer from a classified similar beer style and that has ABV equal to or below 5%. As an optional test, you can also change the range on the ABV in the first SPARQL query presented in this competency question to check that it works. For instance, consider the following query:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX loc: <>
PREFIX adr: <>
PREFIX us: <>
PREFIX rel: <>
PREFIX fbo: <>
PREFIX lp: <>
PREFIX qtu: <>
PREFIX beer: <>


  ?beertypes rdfs:subClassOf* beer:IndiaPaleAle .
    ?beer rdf:type ?beertypes .
    ?beer rdf:type beer:IndiaPaleAle .

  ?beer beer:hasAlcoholByVolume ?alcohol .
  ?alcohol rdf:type beer:AlcoholContent .
  ?alcohol qtu:hasNumericValue ?abv .
  FILTER (?abv < 8)

This new query provides a non-empty answer as displayed below. Note that now four beers are listed.

Voodoo Ranger
Buffy Hazy IPA
Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze

Query 3

This query is supposed to provide the answer for Competency Question 4: I really like New Belgium’s IPA’s, what other beers have people searched for from New Belgium? In order to answer this question, the following SPARQL query is proposed:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX loc: <>
PREFIX adr: <>
PREFIX us: <>
PREFIX rel: <>
PREFIX fbo: <>
PREFIX lp: <>
PREFIX qtu: <>
PREFIX beer: <>

  ?searchhistories rdf:type beer:SearchHistory .
  ?searchhistories rel:comprises ?beer .
  ?beer rel:isProducedBy ?brewery .  
  ?brewery rdfs:label ?brewlabel .
  FILTER (?brewlabel = 'New Belgium Brewing'@en)

This query sample will provide the following answer:

Fat Tire Amber Ale
Fat Tire Belgian White
Glutiny Pale Ale
Voodoo Ranger American Haze

Note that a list of beers is provided as answer to this query.